NECTA CIRA Electronics and Communication_Engineering (FTNA) 2021


CIRA Electronics and Communication_Engineering (FTNA) 2021. Do you want to download the Candidates’ Item Response Analysis (CIRA), NECTA cira past papers or  NECTA response analysis of 2021 for Electronics and Communication_Engineering ? here below is the steps to get started;

Objectives of  Candidates’ Item Response Analysis 

The report on the Candidates’ Item Response Analysis on the 2021 Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) for Electronics and Communication_Engineering has been prepared by the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA). The aim of this report is to provide feedback to different education stakeholders including:

Students, teachers, parents, policy makers and the general public on the
performance of candidates, and the extent to which the instructional goals and
objectives of the subject were met.

CIRA Electronics and Communication_Engineering (FTNA) 2021

Subject Name : Electronics and Communication_Engineering

Exam Type : FTNA

Description :Form Two National Assessment

Code : 81

To download Electronics and Communication_Engineering 2021 click here