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Open University of Mauritius contacts and student login portal

Last updated on April 21st, 2024 at 07:00 am

Find Open University of Mauritius Contacts information, such as Phone Number, Location, and Postal Address. You can also get access to the Open University of Mauritius Student Portal, and learn about how to live as a student at Open University of Mauritius on a daily basis. When you’re at Open University of Mauritius the Student Portal is where you can find and manage all of your personal information about your school.

How to log in to your  Open University of Mauritius Portal account

A student portal is a commonly used phrase to describe the login page where students can provide a username and password to gain access to an education organization’s programs and other learning-related materials.

To log in follow these steps below;

Visit the university website link >>

Open University of Mauritius Contact details, course, website link and students login portal

If you have a question about studying at Open University of Mauritiusplease click the contact page on the university website to access the contact page for  Open University of Mauritius

General enquiries about Open University of Mauritius course offered, fee structure, admission requirements, student loan, scholarship programs and more;

PS: Use our inquiry form to contact us with general questions about the University, the city, and admissions.

Disclaimer: If you have found any inappropriate or wrong information/data on the site, inform us by email at support(at) for rectification/deletion/updating of the same.



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